Wednesday 1 July 2020

Reinstall KDE system with LXQt [2]; KDE network and display configuration extremely difficult with numerous bugs

As related yesterday I found various issues with KDE on a computer and decided to reinstall Debian 10 with LXQt as the user interface. After completing the installation I attempted to use ConnMan, which is the network configuration manager that comes with LXQt on Debian, to do a manual configuration of the 1.x network adapter to set its IP address manually without using DHCP. However, my experience has repeated that found in another computer where I had used ConnMan in the past, where it has continued to send DHCP requests for this network adapter despite the manual setting and overridden the blank "gateway" setting specified in the manual settings, with the DHCP settings. In this case, the setting that was overridden was the DNS server; it was configuring the system to use the 1.x network's DNS server address obtained via DHCP instead of the 4.x network's DNS server obtained via DHCP for the 4.x network adapter. 

As I have noted the Lubuntu network configuration manager does not have this problem and is definitely the best out of all three. However as I am not sure at this stage of being able to install this on the computer, my next step was to uninstall ConnMan and set the network parameters in the /etc/network/interfaces file. After uninstalling ConnMan, dhclient could not complete any DHCP requests for any interfaces; it seems that dhclient is configured to use settings provided by ConnMan and would have to be reconfigured to work with it. 

The interfaces file entries ended up looking similar to this

auto enp0s31f6
allow-hotplug enp0s31f6
iface enp0s31f6 inet static
auto enx00500b60c1eb7
allow-hotplug enx00500b60c1eb7
iface enx00500b60c1eb7 inet static

In addition, /etc/resolv.conf contains the entry

After completing these entries the system was rebooted and further checking confirmed the settings had been applied. In addition it was confirmed there had been no further lease requests to any DHCP servers, the lease for the 1.x network adapter (the problematic one that was pushing through unwanted default gateway and DNS server settings) had expired and had not been renewed. 

It therefore appears I have resolved so far the display issues and also the network issues. The only remaining issue out of 3 mentioned in the original article to be resolved is to get x11vnc running. Then there are the separate matters of reinstalling the software that was on this computer before I reinstalled it.

LXQt has some obvious differences from KDE and one of those is the panel configuration is different and at present it will not support more than one panel on the desktop and will not support a panel being in the top position on the lower display, which in the configuration I have with my displays is the ideal place to have just one panel that is shared between both screens. Although a panel can be placed there and used normally, the panel cannot be right clicked and configured using any of the usual menu options for configuration because the menu is truncated. The only fix being to move the panel to the bottom using the panel.conf file, stop and restart the panel and then configure at the bottom then move back to the top when finished configuring. I will have to check with the LXQt project to see if they have any fixes for this problem.

The other key issue of course is fewer widgets available yet for LXQt. The main one I do not have is the disk free space. I can simulate the CPU monitor bars like I am using on KDE (they show CPU usage, memory usage and swap usage) with some of the built in widgets. So apart from some niggling issues related to the differences between the desktop environments I expect to proceed quickly to having this system up and running again fairly soon and to be able to have a more reliable and easier to use system than I was experiencing with KDE.