Monday 17 December 2018

OpenSong, Video editing, Computing resources optimisation [2E]

OpenSong is a FOSS open source worship presentation package that is produced for Linux, Windows and macOS platforms. It was first released quite a few years ago, and is a bit out of date, with presumably no regular maintenance at present. Obviously my interest will stem from it being both FOSS and Linux capable.

I have installed OpenSong on mediapc for testing and it appears to work well. I need to dig into its capabilities to see if it is capable of handling my particular requirement for adding lyrics to worship videos, initially with the two-step process I outlined in my last post.

I am also interested in developing a one step capability in OpenSong and contributing this to the OpenSong community. Essentially this will be over time the following capabilities:
  • Playback a video
  • Project lyrics over the video
  • Record the transition steps with their timing
  • Be able to automatically play back the video with the transition steps with timings.
I have discovered that OpenSong is developed under the Xojo IDE which being an object oriented BASIC is an ideal development language for me to get involved with. I have downloaded Xojo, which is free to download, develop and test, but requires the purchase of a license for distribution. Xojo being commercially developed and supported is ideal as well, IMO. It is interesting that Xojo is also able to build for Raspberry Pi which is something I will be interested in testing. Xojo itself will be installed on serverpc which doesn't have much software installed on it and is ideal for resources. 

mediapc has been upgraded with a new GA-B250M-D3H motherboard so that it can handle video production and playback better and it now has memory increased to 8 GB. It still has the same 1 TB disks and I have to clean them up to make enough space for everything I am looking to do with it. It has been mounted on a new steel shelf under the desk on the opposite side of the desk from where the same chassis was previously used for serverpc. Moving the chassis allows the leads to reach the screens which are on that side of the desk and also means it can be permanently mounted because of the sliding cover on the chassis on the left side.

I am currently working on a new cabinet to house playerpc and the scanner which will be under the desk on the left hand side. This will be similar to the old cabinet which was on the right except one side of it will be a steel shelf mounted flat against the side of the desk to which the playerpc chassis is bolted, so the chassis will be attached to the desk like all the others. The chassis which is a smaller version of the Inwin ones the other three PCs use, will be on its side just as before, this is the only way of giving internal access, and the scanner shelf will be right above it, with the shelf removed when needed to access the inside of the computer chassis. playerpc has now got the H110M-S2H board in it with 8 GB of RAM, which gives it better playback capability than in its previous configuration. The videos are synced off mediapc currently using grsync manually run.