Sunday 25 March 2018

New bits for "old" computers [9]

Unfortunately I have not attended to any of the tasks in my last post yet because some aerial photos I was working on last week for mapping have to be redone. This time I have just closed off all web browsers and other applications in mainpc and used that one for Gimp so its full memory can be taken advantage of. This has sped things up a bit and the mediapc has been pressed into use for email reading and Facebook etc. Being able to copy layers between different Gimp projects has helped roll the aerial photo refactoring along and although I am not doing any imaging on serverpc as yet it will get pressed into use in a day or two when I am ready to re-render some of these aerials.

So while that is happening only a little map work has been taking place, mostly finding and marking km pegs from the Otago Central rail trail onto a map and also a special layer in Qgis, getting these aerials finished is a high priority and using mainpc to work them will speed things up a lot.

So getting the backups and stuff started has been put off yet again but it is getting more urgent by the day and as soon as the bulk of this refactoring has been pushed through and things slow down a little then the delayed weekend project combining tidying up a lot of things will actually come to pass.