Friday 8 September 2017

Building Qgis from source code

UPDATE 2: Well in spite of my comments as below, it seems I have discovered a new bug in version 2.18 LTS of Qgis as well as the home built master with the composer crashing the software when attempting to render a map. It may well be that there is a bug in this master, the 2.18 LTS and some other versions of Qgis, and at the moment I am focusing on attempting to test and document the bug for the Qgis project. So it looks like the crashes in Debian were from the same issue, and that it is possibly a bug for Linux specific versions, but it could also be an issue that affects all versions.

It looks at this stage like I will be able to use either of those home-built VMs to do my work as the crashes are probably an inherent limitation of Qgis as a whole, rather than specific to the VMs I have built from source, but it is still a perplexing issue.

UPDATE: Whilst building from source is an interesting experience my outcomes have not resulted in more reliable operational experiences with my home built VMs. Building 313ec55 on both Debian 9.1 and Xubuntu 17.04 has resulted in unstable working environments that crash a lot more than the 16.04/313ec55 and the Windows 7/11812846 VM environments that I have used up until now. It is therefore my decision to continue the development of the project on 313ec55, and another Linux VM running the 2.18 stable release will be used to produce, as it is capable of reading enough data from a 2.99 project file to properly render the output.

With a FOSS package like Qgis there will be times you want to build it from source. For me this is getting a working version of the development master because newer versions sometimes have bugs, or are unavailable on the OS you are running on your computer. Whilst it may sound like a big deal to build from source, it is surprisingly straightforward.

In my case I have always tried running development versions of Qgis, but it gets risky running them when a new version comes out and has major bugs, as is currently the case with latest builds that trash the CRS settings and fail to load some layers (possibly these are connected reasons).

 The steps for building Qgis in a nutshell are:

  • Set up a development environment. In this case, a Vbox virtual machine is the best development platform. Once you have one set up with the basics you can easily clone it, and they don't need much memory or disk space. 
  • You'll need to install some packages specific for the Qgis build.
  • Set up some folders to hold the build files, the destination installation, and change a few settings here and there.
  • Get a build of the source code from the appropriate branch on the QGIS github site. In this case the master branch. Master builds happen every day, so there are plenty to choose from.
  • After you get the zip file downloaded, check the version number in CMakeLists.txt to ensure you have the version. There are currently 48 different branches on Github and all various versions too. Near the top of the file you will see stuff like, in the case of 2.99, different variables spelling out "2", "99","0" which tell me I have build files for 2.99.0 as I want it to be. My first build attempt on a Xubuntu zesty vm accidentally got a 2.18 build instead of the master. 
  • I have tested both Debian 9.1 (stretch) and Xubuntu 17.04 (zesty) VM environments. In the end, Xubuntu was more stable than the Debian VM with XFCE, which had a few problems and crashes. Debian would be fine as long as it was stable; I found it straightforward to set up and it went well until it became unstable and had to be reset, then was extremely slow to stabilise.
  • Set up the Cmake environment using ccmake. Mostly using the default settings, but we can set a variable to provide the destination folder that our build will be installed to, for actual usage. This is important because the default will install a new build over the top of an old one, whereas we want to let each build have its own install folders, so we can (theoretically) have more than one of them.
  • Tell ccmake to generate the makefiles for the build
  • Run make to build Qgis. This will take a while, maybe an hour to 90 minutes to complete. This part is actually quite painless considering how many steps are involved, as there will be thousands of lines of output scrolling up your screen. Most files take only 5-10 seconds to build, but occasionally it all slows down as something really big gets built. There are more than 13,000 source files in the build which take up 436 MB of disk space. At 35% of the build the make had made 6500 new files occupying 200 MB which had taken about 20 minutes, so there is a lot of file crunching going on.

  • In my case I chose build 313ec55, a release with which I have had some success on 16.04. The main problem running it on 16.04 is the version of Qt which has a bug that causes decimals to be rendered without rounding, this means a distance that you want displayed as 214.38 km will often show as 214.37999999999. In order to address this I followed the instructions (despite warnings) to build against Qt5 and the version that installed from Ubuntu's zesty archives was 5.7.1 which has the fixes in it. 
  • The steps listed for building against Qt5 with this release are slightly different than for Qt4 (recommended) but the release build of 313ec55 that has been installed in some of the other VMs I have used is built against this edition so there shouldn't really be an issue. So far there hasn't been.
  • The build went well and I am now testing this VM. Since it works and since I have fixes for the lack of files that can be opened at once (see a recent post) it looks like this custom build VM will be the ideal environment for both developing and publishing the maps since it eliminates the main restriction that has existed to prevent publishing from being done with a Xubuntu VM based version.
  • It looks like a lot of more recent builds (from June) have the serious issues with project data not loading correctly so I can't expect to find a more reliable later build and they have other issues with the designer that I don't like either.
  • 313ec55 still has an issue with relative paths not being followed, I have not been able to find out which later master build fixed the issue. If I have to save a new project at any stage, a Windows VM running 1182816 will have to be used, as this doesn't have this issue.