Saturday 13 August 2016

Installing Chrome on Ubuntu

What's interesting about Chrome is the different icons. On Mint computers and Lubuntus the icon has been square, while on Xubuntu we are back to the old round icon. This may be because of the different installation method I have used.

In general it is better to use a package supplied with your distro rather than one you download directly from a website. There are various reasons for this, but key among them is that it can include an update system that will cause it to be updated automatically. Usually this is done by having a package repository added to apt's sources.list file, so that new package versions are detected with an apt update command.

Opera's downloadable browser package is an example of incorporating this capability within the install. The Chrome and Google Earth packages also have this capability. On the other hand, Firefox Developer from their website does not give you that, as it does not have an install script provided. As such, it means Aurora cannot self update. Use ubuntu-make instead to install Aurora.

The method for installing Chrome as found on the Internet is as follows:

Install the signing key for the Chrome archive using this command

wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -

Download the Chrome package (google-chrome-beta and google-chrome-unstable are also options)

Install this package using dpkg -i

If you get errors about missing dependencies then enter apt -f install which fixes them and automatically completes the install of Chrome.